Client Project Deliverables

Live Loving Florida Logo

When Wendy Ivanov and I set out to create a logo for her new business, we made sure the logo was representative of herself and the real estate business. The name, the graphics, and the slogan came together and serve a clear purpose in branding the business in a positive light and in a concise way.

Before we settled on the logo as seen on image 1 (below left), we worked on Canva and came up with five other options, images 2-6. Eventually, we new image 1 was the winner. Both the logo and slogan are indicative of the category of business because we used commonly known symbols within real estate: the house shape and the words dreams and home. 

Live Loving Florida as a business name evokes the love for the location where the business is established and the ideal of loving where one lives and being satisfied with location, which is known to be key in buying and selling homes. The graphic used contains a classic drawing of a slanted roofline with a chimney peeking out from one side of the triangle. As a personal touch, the logo also displays a hibiscus flower – the agent’s favorite flower – which is also a well-referenced flower when representing coastal and tropical places like Florida. The slogan, Where Dreams Come Home is a spin on the idiom “a dream come true” and implies that buying or selling a home is part of many people’s lifelong dreams. The message is intended to catch the interest of home buyers and sellers – the primary audience for LLF’s web content.

Live Loving Florida Website

Many of my design and content decisions in developing LLF’s website were based on Kristina Halvorson’s and Melissa Rach’s Content Strategy for the Web, including how the authors discuss content impact factors. Impact factors are classified as: “(a) Internal impact factors: How does your organization impact your content?; (b) External impact factors: What effects do users, competitors, and influencers have?; and (c) Communicating the results: How do you document and share what you’ve learned?”(Halvorson and Rach 69).

Because LLF is a one-person type of business, I observed that Wendy Ivanov is herself LLF’s agent of internal impact factor. Her personality exerts great impact on her approach to clients, just as her 20 years of experience working in corporate America defines her business model.

Thus, I made sure to take in consideration this kind of internal impact factor when I develop content for LLF. For example, Wendy Ivanov’s personal approach and focus on the client sets the tone of her website on the Home page. 

Her personality is also showcased through personal photos in the “About Wendy” page to showcase her professional and individual traits in more detail. After all, real estate agents must first sell their images, as most clients are looking for someone who inspires trust and efficiency.

As for external factors, I looked mainly at LLF’s very broad target audience, following the persona approach.

Halvorson and Rach explain that one way to evaluate content based on audience is to create personas. The authors define the persona process as in developing “fictional characters or archetypes that represent the user types,” emphasizing that “… content will be much more effective and easy [sic] to manage if you set some parameters and priorities about who your content is for” (105). As a designer and writer, I wanted to create content to serve the user and this theory provided a strong foothold in my persona process. Hence, I set off to develop personas that embodied LLF’s audience and represented several clients and their wishes to either sell or buy properties.

MLS Listing and Landing Page Content Writing

MLS listings keep real estate in business. The write up for a for-sale listing must draw attention to the best features of the home. It must also give a detailed description of the property while leaving room for buyers to be curious enough to want to visit the home. In the example below, I combine information about the property and the community since the house sits in a very prestigious neighborhood.

This description is also published on a landing page created specifically for the property listed by my client. The landing page contains an MLS listing package created by Jerzy Gustek, co-founder of  Money Shot SRQ. All images, recordings, and production of the landing page are credited to Money Shot SRQ. My role in this project consisted of writing the listing description and the scripts for Wendy Ivanov’s video spots which are included in the 3DTour of this listing.

This on-site experience was a great opportunity for me to apply several of the competencies from the curriculum of my Master of Arts Degree in Writing, Rhetoric, and Media (M.A.W.R.M.) while collaborating with my client and a third party business.

sample social media works

In writing and producing content for Social Media on behalf of Live Loving Florida, I attempted to reach her broad audience by publishing engaging content. The main goal was to increase engagement and generate leads. Sometimes that means not talking about real estate at all. I want LLF to attract followers and fans. Based on concepts of “electracy,” which means the spread and repetition of content by social media users,  I aimed to give LLF’s followers and fans content that they can share on their own profiles. 

The purpose of such social media posts were anchored on my readings on “participatory composition” as discussed by Sarah Arroyo in Participatory Composition: Video Culture, Writing, and Electracy, published by Southern Illinois University Press in 2013.

The author writes, “in the emerging electrate apparatus, we will stop thinking of theory and practice as necessarily separate and instead see them as working side by side to evoke those inventions that have yet to be thought.  Doing so will keep the buzz alive and will encourage practices not yet invented to emerge” (Arroyo 118). 

My goal was to publish content that innovated beyond attracting merely buyers and sellers. I encouraged my client to use video posts and visual posts more often and cover topics that are only tangentially related to her business. I also increased the frequency of her posts to keep LLF’s content circulating.

Sample Facebook Posts

These two posts represent the newest LLF campaign for social media. My client and I are working on a weekly schedule similar to what I proposed in my Content Strategy Report. We have adapted the themes and coordinated each theme with a specific day of the week. The goal is to increase LLF’s number of followers by providing social media users’ with fun content and sprinkle content about real estate here in there.

Sample Instagram Posts

Instagram posts, I take full advantage of hashtag usage to boost engagement.

Hashtags are created to draw the attention of people who have common interests because  social media users can find all the posts around a certain event, theme, or mood by searching for a given hashtag. Consistency from post to post is crucial. So I have consistently used hashtags that I either created or borrowed from popular postings, as seen on these two sample posts here. 

Sample Twitter Posts

Sample LinkedIN Posts

Twitter is not where my client should be publishing most of her content since Instagram and Facebook are inherently more suitable to the type of content being produced by real estate agents (see graph here).

The long-term goal for LLF Twitter content is to develop a stronger image for Wendy Ivanov as a businesswoman. However, because most Twitter followers seek to engage in discussions that are controversial in some aspect, I have recommended that my client engage more often with Tweets written by others.  

I attempt to respond and retweet content in order to attract more followers and, subsequently, draw more engagement to her own content on other social media platforms.

The goal in using LinkedIn is to keep Wendy Ivanov relevant with her business network since she has links to countless people that she has met or worked with in the past within corporate America. Ultimately, I want to promote her business and stay in touch with contacts by offering real estate information. Every person in Wendy Ivanov’s contact list is considered a potential client or someone who can potentially recommend her as an extremely ethical character.  Following people on LinkedIn also allows me to find leads by looking at who is looking to relocate due to a career or job change.

sample animated posts, print works, and YouTube Videos

Sample Animated Posts

Sample Print Works

Sample YouTube videos

These animated posts are distributed across several of LLF’s social media platforms. Many of these videos were created using Canva or Ripl. This format is more engaging than text and images since most audiences are used to short videos of this nature popping up on their social media feeds.

This first animated post is a “Coming Soon” video posted while the home was not yet officially listed on MLS servers. The goal with the post is to tease potential buyers and get them curious about the home’s future listing so that they want to go see it.

This second animated post is a “Just Listed” video intended to get potential buyers a the door and making appointments for in-person seeings. It was published following the “Coming Soon” video of the same home.

Print flyers such as this one are usually passed around at events, open houses, and even shopping malls. And, of course, they can be mailed too. Wendy Ivanov and I often create these flyers and develop digital versions of them to use as social media posts.

This video is part of a new campaign implemented across all social media platforms. It aims to engage potential clients in asking questions and reaching out to Wendy Ivanov.

A beautiful and sunny day on the beach prompted me to create an impromptu video post. Wendy Ivanov and I just could not pass on the chance to share about this location and point out the Florida relaxed lifestyle.