“One school is finished, and the time has come for another to begin.”
A quote by Jon, a very unique bird, from Jonathan Livingston Seagull (1970) by Richard Bach.
Portfolio Introduction
This portfolio spotlights projects I completed as coursework in the Master of Arts Degree in Writing, Rhetoric, and Media program (MAWRM) offered at Clemson University.
My projects are grouped into four sections:
- Teaching Composition and Rhetoric
- Designing for Unique Interfaces
- Visual Rhetoric
- Client Project
My client project consisted of creating content for social media, developing a website, and completing many other daily tasks for my pro-bono client, Wendy Ivanov of Live Loving Florida, a real estate business. The Client Project page contains a description of my project and a list of all deliverables. A sample of my works, some created in collaboration with my client, is featured in the Client Project Deliverables page. The client’s website is linked to this portfolio from the deliverables page as well.
Each project highlighted in this digital portfolio demonstrates at least four of the competencies out of the five competencies I acquired while pursuing my Master’s degree between August 2018 and May 2020.
The five Master of Arts in Writing, Rhetoric, and Media competencies, as described in the M.A.W.R.M. Program Handbook revised in April 2019, are:
- The ability to apply visual communication theories to multimodal design practices
- Sufficient knowledge of scholarship and research or design methods to apply them critically.
- The ability to apply classical and modern rhetorical theory to contemporary professional communication practices
- Demonstrable technological and media production literacies
- Outstanding writing and editing skills